- Corporate:
see Inspired Research.
- Major employment:
- Academic:
- Professional:
- Martial arts:
student of Chinese martial arts since April 1994,
at ACCS Brewster.
instructor (external arts) since 2019
at In Balance Taichi.
some previous instructors:
-sensei kanazawa,
told me three times during 1985-86 to seek tai-chi
of wada sensei's
renshinkan dojo, santa clara, 1985-86,
my zen teacher
-sempai ranka
from bangalore, 1986-88
Martial arts
From left:
1. With Master Sant, my shrfu,
and my lao-shr certificate.
2. With my Taichi peers David and George.
3. With Master Crawford and most of the Brewster staff.
4. 2004 USKSF (Maryland)
traditional(circular) 8-palm change ba-kua.
5. Drunken monk (before Shrya & Fa-shr!), New Year's lion dance, 2006.
6. Shrfu surprises me with another jen-shen!
7. Shrfu surprises me yet again
Shaolin connection
I'd wistfully said in 1991 that
I might end up learning gungfu with the Shaolin monks.
The monks came to the US around the same time,
particularly to the
American Center for Chinese Studies.
Fa-shrGuolin Shi,
34th generation Shaolin kungfu monk
demonstrating a punching set (right)
at the Grand Opening of
the ACCS gwan in Charlotte, N. Carolina, July 2002.
(I'm in the black T-shirt behind the monk
and Shrya Ma Fo Ren
in the
group picture.
Shrfu Phil Sant is to the monk's right, in blue.)