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Coordination-free, scale-free canonical networking exploiting the physical information of space relating to Boltzmann's kinetic theory. See thesis.
Empirical support: EPL 2015 (initial) NAECON 2019 (conclusive)
Spatial phase modulation using circular polarization in holography and affine 3d optics (below)
Dynamic reshaping of heat engine cycles™, applying incremental path interpolation and execution ideas in computer numerical control (CNC) to the thermodynamic phase space, to control instantaneous phase space direction by controlling load motion. Guarantees asymptotic approach to Carnot cycle execution to within thermometric and motion control precision in any piston engine. Thermo-electromagnetics presentation (pdf)
Direct path conversion™
by a fundamentally new class of heat engines,
electromagnetic heat engines™,
that can instantaneously harness
individual atomic or subatomic particles
as thermodynamic medium.
With mechanical pistons even on the nanoscale,
the nuclear, chemical or photoelectric energy
must slowly reach the piston,
getting degraded in temperature
by several orders in magnitude.
An electromagnetic wave can reach and convert
the nascent, hot particles in the medium individually
while they are still hot.
Continuous, direct acyclic convertors are also envisaged in the future.
Principal examples:
- chemical reaction products:
nascent energy ~ 1 eV ≅ 104 K
(Carnot efficiency)
ηC ≅ 0.974;
- photoelectrons (solar, visible range):
nascent energy ~ 1-5 eV again;
- nuclear power, pacemaker batteries:
daughter nuclei energies in U235 fission
~ 50-100 MeV ≅ 1012 K
ηC ≅ 1.
Electromagnetic heat engines are a fundamental way to raise the Carnot limit to virtually unity, from its present typical values below 65% (for nuclear), promising an effective doubling of our energy resources with no increase in pollution or global warming. (The Carnot limit is ηC = 1 - TL/TH = Δ T / TH, where TH = high avg. temperature of the medium in the cycle, and TL = low avg. temperature, in Kelvin. TL is usually taken to be 300 K.)
Clock-synchronous, coherent semiconductor energy recovery, using electromagnetic heat engines as single electron scale regenerative brakes™ for semiconductor logic, particularly illustrating thermodynamic SIMD - single instruction (piston), multiple data (multiple gate transitions converted). As shown by IBM DAMOCLES studies, hot carriers with temperatures ≥1000 K are a significant fraction, and thus cause most of the gate transition heat and lattice degradation. Their conversion would largely eliminate heat dissipation in computers. IEEE Semitherm XIV paper (pdf, 11 pages)
A commodity chip-based holography™ technology. This overcomes a basic practical problem with MIT's Holovideo approach, viz end user display enormously bulky and expensive relative to the camera source, by providing for a commodity holographic display which may not be capable of 30-frames/second refresh rates, but can be loaded at low data rates and would be rugged enough and cheap enough for relatively static displays, e.g. gem store displays, engineering models, etc.
A modular time-domain method called affine optics™ with specular and 3d capabilities like holography, proposed in 1989-1993 to the FAA. While the core concept is extremely elegant, much work remains to be done before this becomes commercially viable.
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Last modified: 2020.09.27.